Today's Economy is causing many of our customers to look for more ways to SAVE! You can buy the larger trees
at the little tree price if you make the trip. Don't have the time, have someone else make the trip for you & still save.
Pickup is by Appointment ONLY!

U Pick-Up & SAVE

Thuja Green Giant..
Thuja Green Giant..

America's Choice Privacy Tree

Pick-Up by Appointment ONLY

Thuja Green Giant..

Spring Close-Out Sale SAVE

Sizes Available

U - Pickup Prices

Questions? Call (828) 273-5771

Pick-Up by Appointment ONLY

HIGH Fuel prices has caused shipping rates to go thru the roof!  We get calls from potential customers most ever day asking if they can pick-up at the Nursery and SAVE?  Well the answer is yes, the saving is significant.


Don't have a trailer? Rent this one.

This little trailer is very easy to pull with a small pickup or SUV. It is a 6 x 12 flat bed double axle. This trailer rents for around $50.00 a day. 

The savings are well worth the trip!